Happy incoming CNY to all. This is our first posting in 2011 because of busy with work schedule, training schedule, new born baby and etc. I hope it's not too late to say goodbye to 2010. Our 2010 is the most competitive year for CBP Groups. I'm wondering the 2011 will be the mesmerizing year for us and all of you out there. Hail for CBP Groups and for you all out there.
All these years we have jumped into mountain biking and running arena. Two years of exciting and full of adrenaline. About the topic stated above mean we're gonna focus on running event this year.Why? we're gonna tell you the details below.Firstly, we're discussing about "Seasonal Mountain Biker VS Seasonal Distance Runner".
Seasonal Mountain BikerConfident Level @ 50km Event - high(to finish)
Duration of Training - 4 hours
Consistency of Training - once per week
Distance Covered - 40 km
Discipline Level - medium
Satisfaction - high
Seasonal Distance RunnerConfident Level @ 50km Event - low(to finish)
Duration of Training - 6 to 7 hours
Consistency of Training - 6 days per week
Distance Covered - 50 to 60 km
Discipline Level - high
Satisfaction - speechless
As for conclusion, it's very hardcore to finish 40-50 km event in running. Running needs long hours of training at least 5 to 6 days per week. Long duration and high mileage in running need high level of discipline,hard work and strong mentality. And this are the reason for us to become distance runner. We're gonna achieve it sooner or later. Our first endurance event will be Full Marathon(42km) @
Energizer Night Race 2011 in April and then
The North Face 1ookm Duo Singapore 2011 and Malakoff Powerman 2011 in October.