Date : 16 August 2009
Venue : Bukit Botak Jementah

The Daredevil of Segamat - Zuraidi,Zafifi and Naza (orang kata depa ni downhill memang laju-terbukti!!!)

CBP Groups rider - Mary_Jn

Take a break at the "bus stop" after 1st climbing.

Briefing about the first DH from Khalid a.k.a Canopus. Uwaaaaaa, the DH is very scary oh.(Jika terbabas masuk dalam gaung wooo...)

Again, take a break after 2nd climbing at the 2nd "bus stop".(banyak betol bus stop kt atas bukit nih tapi tak nampak bus lalu pun dari tadi)

See, we're from there. (puncak yang sayup2 mata memandang tu)

Canopus arrived

Then, Naza and Looky arrived at the 2nd "bus stop".

Clik! Clik! Clik! picture session beb.

Before the 2nd DH.(sila tengok kat belakang tu semacam je cenuramnya-ketar kepala lutut wooo...)

Another break after lost and found the trail.

Looky accomplish the last climbing by MTB-Mari Tolak Beskal.
Congratulation and thank you to Segamat Daredevils(Khalid,Zuraidi,Zafifi and Naza) as the organiser for today's enjoyable ride. The climbing almost rideable and the 1st and last DHs were scary. Tabik spring to Segamat Daredevils-they're really fast at the scary and technical DH. Overall, medium level trail for CBP Groups((Wii G,Baloo G,Mary_Jn and Looky)
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